The Civilian Conservation Corps: Civics at Work

FDR having lunch while visiting Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp, Co. 350, at Big Meadows, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, August 12, 1933. Members of the CCC smile for the camera behind FDR and other seated officials.
FDR having lunch while visiting Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp, Co. 350, at Big Meadows, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. L-r: General Malone, Louis Howe, Harold Ickes, Robert Fechner, FDR, Henry Wallace, Rexford Tugwell. August 12, 1933 FDR Library Photo Collection. NPx. 54-499.
A virtual professional development workshop for educators with the National Archives.

Join the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum for this teacher workshop that will provide resources for exploring how the development of a government "safety net" to protect Americans devastated by the Great Depression affected civic life. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) is a great example to use in teaching about how the government responds to crises. By creating opportunities for unemployed young men, the CCC was an innovation in government and a model for future government programs benefiting families, cities, and rural communities.

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